Fuzzy binary decision tree for biometric based personal authentication

A Kumar - Neurocomputing, 2013 - Elsevier
The use of fuzzy decision trees is yet to be ascertained for the biometric based personal
authentications. This paper therefore presents a fuzzy binary decision tree (FBDT) algorithm …

Fuzzy binary decision tree for biometric based personal authentication

A Kumar, M Hanmandlu, HM Gupta - Neurocomputing, 2013 - infona.pl
The use of fuzzy decision trees is yet to be ascertained for the biometric based personal
authentications. This paper therefore presents a fuzzy binary decision tree (FBDT) algorithm …

[引用][C] Fuzzy binary decision tree for biometric based personal authentication

A KUMAR, M HANMANDLU… - Neurocomputing …, 2013 - pascal-francis.inist.fr
Fuzzy binary decision tree for biometric based personal authentication CNRS Inist Pascal-Francis
CNRS Pascal and Francis Bibliographic Databases Simple search Advanced search Search …

Fuzzy binary decision tree for biometric based personal authentication

A Kumar, M Hanmandlu, HM Gupta - Neurocomputing, 2013 - dl.acm.org
The use of fuzzy decision trees is yet to be ascertained for the biometric based personal
authentications. This paper therefore presents a fuzzy binary decision tree (FBDT) algorithm …