Affective neuroscience: The emergence of a discipline

RJ Davidson, SK Sutton - Current opinion in neurobiology, 1995 - Elsevier
This past year has seen significant advances in our understanding of the physiology of
emotion. Attention continues to focus on the amygdala and its interconnections with …

[引用][C] Affective neuroscience: the emergence of a discipline

D RJ - Curr Opin Neurobiol, 1995 -
Affective neuroscience : the emergence of a discipline | CiNii Research CiNii 国立情報学
研究所 学術情報ナビゲータ[サイニィ] 詳細へ移動 検索フォームへ移動 論文・データをさがす 大学 …

Affective neuroscience: the emergence of a discipline.

RJ Davidson, SK Sutton - Current Opinion in Neurobiology, 1995 -
This past year has seen significant advances in our understanding of the physiology of
emotion. Attention continues to focus on the amygdala and its interconnections with …

Affective neuroscience: the emergence of a discipline

RJ Davidson, SK Sutton - Current opinion in neurobiology, 1995 -
This past year has seen significant advances in our understanding of the physiology of
emotion. Attention continues to focus on the amygdala and its interconnections with …

[PDF][PDF] Affective neuroscience: the emergence of a discipline

RJ Davidson, SK Sutton - Current Opinion in Neurobiology, 1995 -
Knowledge about the neural substrates of emotion has grown exponentially over the past
several years and is derived from diverse sources, including basic studies in animals …

Affective neuroscience: the emergence of a discipline

RJ Davidson, SK Sutton - Current Opinion in Neurobiology, 1995 -
This past year has seen significant advances in our understanding of the physiology of
emotion. Attention continues to focus on the amygdala and its interconnections with …

[引用][C] Affective neuroscience: the emergence of a discipline

RJ Davidson, SK Sutton - Current Opinion in Neurobiology, 1995

[引用][C] Affective neuroscience: the emergence of a discipline.

RJ Davidson, SK Sutton - Current Opinion in Neurobiology, 1995