JE Stiglitz - NBER Working Paper, 1983 -
The analysis of the effects ofcapital gains taxation requires a careful modelling both of the details of the tax code and the imperfections in the capital market. Under the standard …
The analysis of the effects ofcapital gains taxation requires a careful modelling both of the details of the tax code and the imperfections in the capital market. Under the standard …
JE STIGLITZ - Journal of Public Economics, 1983 -
This paper is concerned with the economic effects of capital gains taxation. The tax on capital gains is one of several taxes imposed on the returns to capital. We are concerned …
The analysis of the effects ofcapital gains taxation requires a careful modelling both of the details of the tax code and the imperfections in the capital market. Under the standard …
The analysis of the effects ofcapital gains taxation requires a careful modelling both of the details of the tax code and the imperfections in the capital market. Under the standard …
The analysis of the effects ofcapital gains taxation requires a careful modelling both of the details of the tax code and the imperfections in the capital market. Under the standard …
J Stiglitz - Journal of Public Economics, 1983 -
EconPapers: Some aspects of the taxation of capital gains EconPapers Economics at your fingertips EconPapers Home About EconPapers Working Papers Journal Articles Books …
JE Stiglitz - Journal of Public Economics, 1983 -
The analysis of the effects ofcapital gains taxation requires a careful modelling both of the details of the tax code and the imperfections in the capital market. Under the standard …