Secure and private location

P Saxena, N Diamant, D Gordon, B Getz - US Patent 8,893,295, 2014 - Google Patents
Systems and methods of restricting access to mobile platform location information may
involve receiving, via a link, loca tion information for a mobile platform at a processor of the …

Secure and private location

P Saxena, N Diamant, D Gordon… - US Patent App. 12 …, 2012 - Google Patents
Abstract Systems and methods of restricting access to mobile platform location information
may involve receiving, via a link, location information for a mobile platform at a processor of …

Secure and private location

P Saxena, N Diamant, D Gordon… - US Patent …, 2014 -
Systems and methods of restricting access to mobile platform location information may
involve receiving, via a link, location information for a mobile platform at a processor of the …


P Saxena, N Diamant, D Gordon… - US Patent App. 12 …, 2012 -
Systems and methods of restricting access to mobile platform location information may
involve receiving, via a link, location information for a mobile platform at a processor of the …