Determination of extractable and non-extractable radioactivity from prairie soils treated with carboxyl- and ring-labelled [14C]2,4-D. Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations …
Ring-and carboxyl-labelled 14 C] 2, 4-D were incubated under laboratory conditions, at the 2 g/g level, in a heavy clay, sandy loam, and clay loam at 85% of field capacity and 20 1C …
Resume: Zusammenfassung Ring-and carboxyl-labelled ('^ C] 2, 4-D were incubated under laboratory conditions, at the 2^ g/g level, in a heavy clay, sandy loam, and clay loam at 85 …
Ring‑and carboxyl‑labelled [14C] 2, 4‑D were incubated under laboratory conditions, at the 2 g/g level, in a heavy clay, sandy loam, and clay loam at 85% of field capacity and 20 1C …
Abstract Ring-and carboxyl-labelled [14C] 2, 4-D were incubated under laboratory conditions, at the 2 mu g/g level, in heavy clay, sandy loam and clay loam at 85% of field …