Predicting solute adsorption on activated carbon: phenol

I Efremenko, M Sheintuch - Langmuir, 2006 - ACS Publications
Activated carbon (AC), the most widely used adsorbent in water and in wastewater
treatment, comprises a high surface area of very small, convoluted and interconnected …

[引用][C] Predicting Solute Adsorption on Activated Carbon: Phenol

I Efremenko, M Sheintuch - Langmuir, 2006 -
Predicting Solute Adsorption on Activated Carbon: Phenol | CiNii Research CiNii 国立情報学
研究所 学術情報ナビゲータ[サイニィ] 詳細へ移動 検索フォームへ移動 論文・データをさがす 大学 …

Predicting solute adsorption on activated carbon: phenol.

I Efremenko, M Sheintuch - Langmuir: the ACS Journal of Surfaces …, 2006 -
Activated carbon (AC), the most widely used adsorbent in water and in wastewater
treatment, comprises a high surface area of very small, convoluted and interconnected …

[引用][C] Predicting Solute Adsorption on Activated Carbon: Phenol

I Efremenko, M Sheintuch - Langmuir, 2006 -
Predicting Solute Adsorption on Activated Carbon: Phenol × Close The Infona portal uses
cookies, ie strings of text saved by a browser on the user's device. The portal can access …

Predicting solute adsorption on activated carbon: phenol

I Efremenko, M Sheintuch - Langmuir: the ACS journal of …, 2006 -
Activated carbon (AC), the most widely used adsorbent in water and in wastewater
treatment, comprises a high surface area of very small, convoluted and interconnected …

[PDF][PDF] Predicting Solute Adsorption on Activated Carbon: Phenol

I Efremenko, M Sheintuch - Phys. ReV. Lett, 2002 -
Activated carbon (AC), the most widely used adsorbent in water and in wastewater
treatment, comprises a high surface area of very small, convoluted and interconnected …

[引用][C] Predicting solute adsorption on activated carbon: Phenol

I EFREMENKO, M SHEINTUCH - Langmuir, 2006 -
Predicting solute adsorption on activated carbon : Phenol CNRS Inist Pascal-Francis CNRS
Pascal and Francis Bibliographic Databases Simple search Advanced search Search by …

[引用][C] Predicting solute adsorption on activated carbon: Phenol

I EFREMENKO, M SHEINTUCH - Langmuir, 2006 - American Chemical Society