Integrating kinematics and environment context into deep inverse reinforcement learning for predicting off-road vehicle trajectories

Y Zhang, W Wang, R Bonatti, D Maturana… - arXiv preprint arXiv …, 2018 -
Predicting the motion of a mobile agent from a third-person perspective is an important
component for many robotics applications, such as autonomous navigation and tracking …

Integrating kinematics and environment context into deep inverse reinforcement learning for predicting off-road vehicle trajectories

Y Zhang, W Wang, R Bonatti… - … on Robot Learning, 2018 -
Predicting the motion of a mobile agent from a third-person perspective is an important
component for many robotics applications, such as autonomous navigation and tracking …

Integrating kinematics and environment context into deep inverse reinforcement learning for predicting off-road vehicle trajectories

Y Zhang, W Wang, R Bonatti, D Maturana… - arXiv e …, 2018 -
Predicting the motion of a mobile agent from a third-person perspective is an important
component for many robotics applications, such as autonomous navigation and tracking …

Integrating kinematics and environment context into deep inverse reinforcement learning for predicting off-road vehicle trajectories

Y Zhang, W Wang, R Bonatti… - … on Robot Learning, 2018 -
Predicting the motion of a mobile agent from a third-person perspective is an important
component for many robotics applications, such as autonomous navigation and tracking …