[PDF][PDF] Tier-based modeling of gradience and distance-based decay in phonological processes

K McMullin, P Burness - Proceedings of the 17th meeting on the …, 2021 - aclanthology.org
Current computational approaches to longdistance phonological processes use string-
tostring function classes that operate over phonological tiers, but these are necessarily …

[PDF][PDF] Tier-based modeling of gradience and distance-based decay in phonological processes

K McMullin, P Burness - 2021 - mol2021.cs.umu.se
Tier-based modeling of gradience and distance-based decay in phonological processes Page
1 Background Optionality Decay 1: Malagasy Decay 2: Hungarian Conclusion References …

[PDF][PDF] Tier-based modeling of gradience and distance-based decay in phonological processes

K McMullin, P Burness - The 17th Meeting on the Mathematics of … - aclanthology.org
Current computational approaches to longdistance phonological processes use string-
tostring function classes that operate over phonological tiers, but these are necessarily …