[图书][B] General Intellects: Twenty-One Thinkers for the 21st Century

MK Wark - 2017 - books.google.com
What happened to the public intellectuals that used to challenge and inform us? Who is the
Sartre or De Beauvoir of the internet age? General Intellects argues that we no longer have …

[引用][C] General Intellects: Twenty-Five Thinkers for the Twenty-First Century

MK Wark - 2017 - philpapers.org
McKenzie Wark, General Intellects: Twenty-Five Thinkers for the Twenty-First Century -
PhilPapers Sign in | Create an account PhilPapers PhilPeople PhilArchive PhilEvents PhilJobs …

[引用][C] General intellects: twenty-one thinkers for the twenty-first century

MK Wark - (No Title) - cir.nii.ac.jp
General intellects : twenty-one thinkers for the twenty-first century | CiNii Research CiNii 国立
情報学研究所 学術情報ナビゲータ[サイニィ] 詳細へ移動 検索フォームへ移動 論文・データをさがす …

[图书][B] General Intellects: Twenty-Five Thinkers for the Twenty-First Century

MK Wark - 2017 - books.google.com
A guide to the thinkers and the ideas that will shape the future What happened to the public
intellectuals that used to challenge and inform us? Who is the Sartre or De Beauvoir of the …

[引用][C] General Intellects: Twenty-One Thinkers for the Twenty-First Century

MK Wark - Critique d'art, Livres par auteur - journals.openedition.org
Critique d’art - Actualité internationale de la littérature critique sur l’art contemporain Navigation
– Plan du site Critique d’art Actualité internationale de la littérature critique sur l’art …