[PDF][PDF] Implementing Learning Content Management.

S Schluep, P Ravasio, SG Schär - org.id.tue.nl
The concept of Learning Objects has been introduced in the e-learning field to enhance the
accessibility, reusability, and interoperability of learning content. Despite intensive …

[PDF][PDF] Implementing Learning Content Management

S Schluep, P Ravasio, SG Schär - org.id.tue.nl
The concept of Learning Objects has been introduced in the e-learning field to enhance the
accessibility, reusability, and interoperability of learning content. Despite intensive …

[PDF][PDF] Implementing Learning Content Management

S Schluep, P Ravasio, SG Schär - Citeseer
The concept of Learning Objects has been introduced in the e-learning field to enhance the
accessibility, reusability, and interoperability of learning content. Despite intensive …

[PDF][PDF] Implementing Learning Content Management

S Schluep, P Ravasio, SG Schär - rauterberg.employee.id.tue.nl
The concept of Learning Objects has been introduced in the e-learning field to enhance the
accessibility, reusability, and interoperability of learning content. Despite intensive …