Safety of use of antibacterial drugs

M Savić - Arhiv za farmaciju, 2007 -
Selektivni mehanizmi dejstva, zasnovani na biohemijskim razlikama između bakterija i ćelija
domaćina, obezbeđuju pozitivne odnose korist-rizik za sve antibakterijske lekove u …

Safety of use of antibacterial drugs

MM Savić - Arhiv za farmaciju, 2007 -
Selective mechanisms of action, based on the biochemical differences between bacteria
and host cells, assure the positive benefit-risk ratios for all antibacterial drugs in current use …

Safety of use of antibacterial drugs

MM Savić - Arhiv za farmaciju, 2007 -
Selective mechanisms of action, based on the biochemical differences between bacteria
and host cells, assure the positive benefit-risk ratios for all antibacterial drugs in current use …