Step tolling with bottleneck queuing congestion

CR Lindsey, VAC Van den Berg, ET Verhoef - Journal of Urban Economics, 2012 - Elsevier
In most dynamic traffic congestion models, congestion tolls must vary continuously over time
to achieve the full optimum. This is also the case in Vickrey (1969)'bottleneck model'. To …

Step tolling with bottleneck queuing congestion

C Lindsey, V van den Berg… - Journal of Urban …, 2012 -
In most dynamic traffic congestion models, congestion tolls must vary continuously over time
to achieve the full optimum. This is also the case in Vickrey (1969)'bottleneck model'. To …

Step tolling with bottleneck queuing congestion

CR Lindsey, VAC van den Berg, ET Verhoef - Journal of Urban Economics, 2012 -
In most dynamic traffic congestion models, congestion tolls must vary continuously over time
to achieve the full optimum. This is also the case in Vickrey (1969)'bottleneck model'. To …

Step tolling with bottleneck queuing congestion

C Robin Lindsey, VAC van den Berg… - Journal of Urban …, 2012 -
In most dynamic traffic congestion models, congestion tolls must vary continuously over time
to achieve the full optimum. This is also the case in Vickrey (1969)'bottleneck model'. To …

Step tolling with bottleneck queuing congestion

CR Lindsey, VAC van den Berg… - Journal of Urban …, 2012 -
In most dynamic traffic congestion models, congestion tolls must vary continuously over time
to achieve the full optimum. This is also the case in. Vickrey (1969)'bottleneck model'. To …

Step Tolling with Bottleneck Queuing Congestion

R Lindsey, VAC van den Berg… - Journal of Urban …, 2012 -
In most dynamic traffic congestion models, congestion tolls must vary continuously over time
to achieve the full optimum. This is also the case in Vickrey (1969)'bottleneck model.'To date …


CR Lindsey, VAC van den Berg, ET Verhoef - Citeseer
In most dynamic traffic congestion models, congestion tolls must vary continuously over time
to achieve the full optimum. This is also the case in Vickrey's (1969)'bottleneck model'. To …

[引用][C] Step tolling with bottleneck queuing congestion

CR Lindsey, VAC van den Berg… - Journal of Urban …, 2012 -
Step tolling with bottleneck queuing congestion | CiNii Research CiNii 国立情報学研究所 学術
情報ナビゲータ[サイニィ] 詳細へ移動 検索フォームへ移動 論文・データをさがす 大学図書館の本を …

[PDF][PDF] Step tolling with bottleneck queuing congestion

R Lindsey, VAC Van den Berg, ET Verhoef -
In most dynamic traffic congestion models, congestion tolls must vary continuously over time
to achieve the full optimum. This is also the case in Vickrey's (1969)'bottleneck model'. To …