Interactive videogame using game-related physical objects

DM Doptis, SC McCombs, JE Steel - US Patent 10,610,777, 2020 - Google Patents
A63F 13/24(2014.01) A63F 13/42(2014.01) A63F 9/24(2006.01) A63F 13/69(2014.01) A63F
13/214(2014.01) A63F 13/95(2014.01) A63H 3/00(2006.01)(52) US CI. CPC A63F 13/24 …

Interactive videogame using game-related physical objects

DM Doptis, SC Mccombs, J Steel - US Patent 10,610,777, 2020 -
A videogame includes a peripheral device that senses the presence and identity of toys near
or on the peripheral. Each of the toys includes an identification device such as an RFID tag …

Interactive videogame using game-related physical objects

DM Doptis, SC McCombs, JE Steel - US Patent App. 15/861,550, 2018 - Google Patents
A videogame includes a peripheral device that senses the presence and identity of toys near
or on the peripheral. Each of the toys includes an identification device such as an RFID tag …


DM Doptis, SC Mccombs… - US Patent App. 15 …, 2018 -
A videogame includes a peripheral device that senses the presence and identity of toys near
or on the peripheral. Each of the toys includes an identification device such as an RFID tag …