[PDF][PDF] Explorations in E cient Reinforcement Learning

Suppose we want to use an intelligent agent (computer program or robot) for performing
tasks for us, but we cannot or do not want to specify the precise task-operations. Eg we may …

[PDF][PDF] Explorations in E cient Reinforcement Learning

M Wiering - Citeseer
Suppose we want to use an intelligent agent (computer program or robot) for performing
tasks for us, but we cannot or do not want to specify the precise task-operations. Eg we may …

[PDF][PDF] Explorations in E cient Reinforcement Learning

M Wiering - ai.rug.nl
Suppose we want to use an intelligent agent (computer program or robot) for performing
tasks for us, but we cannot or do not want to specify the precise task-operations. Eg we may …

[PDF][PDF] Explorations in E cient Reinforcement Learning

M Wiering - researchgate.net
Suppose we want to use an intelligent agent (computer program or robot) for performing
tasks for us, but we cannot or do not want to specify the precise task-operations. Eg we may …

[引用][C] Explorations in efficient reinforcement learning

M WIERING - Ph. D. thesis. University of Amsterdam, 1999 - cir.nii.ac.jp
Explorations in efficient reinforcement learning | CiNii Research CiNii 国立情報学研究所 学術
情報ナビゲータ[サイニィ] 詳細へ移動 検索フォームへ移動 論文・データをさがす 大学図書館の本を …

[PDF][PDF] Explorations in E cient Reinforcement Learning

M Wiering - academia.edu
Suppose we want to use an intelligent agent (computer program or robot) for performing
tasks for us, but we cannot or do not want to specify the precise task-operations. Eg we may …

[PDF][PDF] Explorations in efficient reinforcement learning

M Wiering - dare.uva.nl
In the first part of this thesis we have described RL methods for finite state spaces for which it
is possible to exactly store the optimal value function with lookup table representations. For …

[PDF][PDF] Explorations in efficient reinforcement learning

M Wiering - dare.uva.nl
We have seen how we can efficiently compute policies for Markov decision processes
(MDPs) consisting of a finite number of states and actions. MDPs require that all states are …