Differential responses to global change of aquatic and terrestrial invasive species: evidences from a meta‐analysis

KL Stephens, ME Dantzler‐Kyer, MA Patten… - Ecosphere, 2019 - Wiley Online Library
Increases in carbon dioxide (CO2), temperature, and precipitation can have varying effects
on environmental conditions and resources affecting species' performance and overall …

Differential responses to global change of aquatic and terrestrial invasive species: evidences from a meta-analysis.

KL Stephens, ME Dantzler-Kyer, MA Patten, L Souza - 2019 - cabidigitallibrary.org
Increases in carbon dioxide (CO2), temperature, and precipitation can have varying effects
on environmental conditions and resources affecting species' performance and overall …

Differential responses to global change of aquatic and terrestrial invasive species: evidences from a meta‑analysis

KL Stephens, ME Dantzler-Kyer, MA Patten… - …, 2019 - ui.adsabs.harvard.edu
Increases in carbon dioxide (CO2), temperature, and precipitation can have varying effects
on environmental conditions and resources affecting species' performance and overall …

Differential responses to global change of aquatic and terrestrial invasive species: evidences from a meta‐analysis

KL Stephens, ME Dantzler‐Kyer, MA Patten… - Ecosphere, 2019 - search.proquest.com
Increases in carbon dioxide (CO 2), temperature, and precipitation can have varying effects
on environmental conditions and resources affecting species' performance and overall …

Differential responses to global change of aquatic and terrestrial invasive species: evidences from a meta‐analysis.

KL Stephens, ME Dantzler‐Kyer, MA Patten… - …, 2019 - search.ebscohost.com
Increases in carbon dioxide (CO2), temperature, and precipitation can have varying effects
on environmental conditions and resources affecting species' performance and overall …

[引用][C] Differential responses to global change of aquatic and terrestrial invasive species: evidences from a meta‐analysis

KL Stephens, ME Dantzler‐Kyer, MA Patten, L Souza - 2019