Data security with a security module

GB Roth, MJ Wren, EJ Brandwine, BI Pratt - US Patent 9,367,697, 2016 - Google Patents
8, 140,847 8,245,037 8,261,320 8,302,170 8,607,358 8,713,311 8,751,807 8,804,950
8,904, 181 2002fO141590 2003/0093.694 2003. O131238 2003/O163701 2003/0172269 …

Data security with a security module

GB Roth, MJ Wren, EJ Brandwine… - US Patent …, 2016 -
A security module securely manages keys. The security module is usable to implement a
cryptography service that includes a request processing component. The request processing …