The first part of this traditional socialist ideal expresses an ethic of social duty that is strikingly absent from most contemporary liberal political theory. The phrase" from each …
JH CARENS - Political theory, 1986 -
Rights and Duties in an Egalitarian Society CNRS Inist Pascal-Francis CNRS Pascal and Francis Bibliographic Databases Simple search Advanced search Search by classification …
The first part of this traditional socialist ideal expresses an ethic of social duty that is strikingly absent from most contemporary liberal political theory. The phrase" from each …
JH Carens - Political Theory, 1986 -
Joseph H. Carens, Rights and Duties in an Egalitarian Society - PhilPapers Sign in | Create an account PhilPapers PhilPeople PhilArchive PhilEvents PhilJobs PhilPapers home Syntax …
Rights and Duties in an Egalitarian Society статистика рубрикаторы типовая модель о проекте Мобильная версия Доступно журналов: 3 288 Доступно статей: 3 891 637 Введите …