Neural networks for predicting compressive strength of structural light weight concrete

MM Alshihri, AM Azmy, MS El-Bisy - Construction and Building Materials, 2009 - Elsevier
Neural networks procedures provide a reliant analysis in several science and technology
fields. Neural network is often applied to develop statistical models for intrinsically non-linear …

Neural networks for predicting compressive strength of structural light weight concrete

MM Alshihri, AM Azmy, MS El-Bisy - Construction and Building Materials, 2009 -
Neural networks procedures provide a reliant analysis in several science and technology
fields. Neural network is often applied to develop statistical models for intrinsically non-linear …

[PDF][PDF] Neural networks for predicting compressive strength of structural light weight concrete

MM Alshihri, AM Azmy, S Mousa - Construction and Building …, 2009 -
abstract Neural networks procedures provide a reliant analysis in several science and
technology fields. Neural network is often applied to develop statistical models for …

[引用][C] Neural networks for predicting compressive strength of structural light weight concrete

MM Alshihri, AM Azmy, MS El-Bisy - Construction and Building Materials, 2009 -
Neural networks for predicting compressive strength of structural light weight concrete | CiNii
Research CiNii 国立情報学研究所 学術情報ナビゲータ[サイニィ] 詳細へ移動 検索フォームへ移動 …

Neural networks for predicting compressive strength of structural light weight concrete

MM Alshihri, AM Azmy, MS El-Bisy - Construction and Building …, 2009 -
Neural networks procedures provide a reliant analysis in several science and technology
fields. Neural network is often applied to develop statistical models for intrinsically non-linear …

Neural networks for predicting compressive strength of structural light weight concrete

MM Alshihri, AM Azmy, MS El-Bisy - Construction and Building Materials, 2009 -
Neural networks procedures provide a reliant analysis in several science and technology
fields. Neural network is often applied to develop statistical models for intrinsically non-linear …