What drives decisions of single-occupant travelers in high-occupancy vehicle lanes? Investigation using archived traffic and tolling data from MnPASS express lanes

N Goodall, BL Smith - Transportation research record, 2010 - journals.sagepub.com
High-occupancy toll (HOT) lanes are in operation, under construction, and planned in
several major metropolitan areas. The premise behind HOT lanes is to allow single …

[PDF][PDF] What Drives Decisions of Single-Occupant Travelers in High-Occupancy Vehicle Lanes?

IUA Traffic, T Data - Citeseer
High-occupancy toll (HOT) lanes are in operation, under construction, and planned in
several major metropolitan areas. The premise behind HOT lanes is to allow single …

[引用][C] What Drives Decisions of Single-Occupant Travelers in High-Occupancy Vehicle Lanes?: Investigation Using Archived Traffic and Tolling Data from MnPASS …

N GOODALL, BL SMITH - Transportation research record, 2010 - pascal-francis.inist.fr
What Drives Decisions of Single-Occupant Travelers in High-Occupancy Vehicle Lanes?:
Investigation Using Archived Traffic and Tolling Data from MnPASS Express Lanes CNRS …

What Drives Decisions of Single-Occupant Travelers in High-Occupancy Vehicle Lanes? Investigation Using Archived Traffic and Tolling Data from MnPASS Express …

N Goodall, BL Smith - 2010 - trid.trb.org
High-occupancy toll (HOT) lanes are in operation, under construction, and planned in
several major metropolitan areas. The premise behind HOT lanes is to allow single …

[引用][C] What Drives Decisions of Single-Occupant Travelers in High-Occupancy Vehicle Lanes?: Investigation Using Archived Traffic and Tolling Data from MnPASS …

N GOODALL, BL SMITH - Transportation research …, 2010 - National Research Council