Prevalence of compliance with a new physical activity guideline for preschool-age children

RR Pate, JR O'Neill, WH Brown, KA Pfeiffer… - Childhood …, 2015 -
Background: Four expert panels from Australia, Canada, the United Kingdom, and the
United States issued physical activity (PA) recommendations for young children that are …

[PDF][PDF] Prevalence of Compliance with a New Physical Activity Guideline for Preschool-Age Children

RR Pate, JR O'Neill, WH Brown, KA Pfeiffer, M Dowda… -
Background: Four expert panels from Australia, Canada, the United Kingdom, and the
United States issued physical activity (PA) recommendations for young children that are …

[PDF][PDF] Prevalence of Compliance with a New Physical Activity Guideline for Preschool-Age Children

RR Pate, JR O'Neill, WH Brown, KA Pfeiffer, M Dowda… -
Background: Four expert panels from Australia, Canada, the United Kingdom, and the
United States issued physical activity (PA) recommendations for young children that are …

Prevalence of Compliance with a New Physical Activity Guideline for Preschool-Age Children

RR Pate, JR O'Neill, WH Brown… - Childhood …, 2015 -
Background Four expert panels from Australia, Canada, the United Kingdom, and the United
States issued physical activity (PA) recommendations for young children that are quite …

Prevalence of compliance with a new physical activity guideline for preschool-age children.

RR Pate, JR O'Neill, WH Brown, KA Pfeiffer… - Childhood …, 2015 -
Background: Four expert panels from Australia, Canada, the United Kingdom, and the
United States issued physical activity (PA) recommendations for young children that are …

[引用][C] Prevalence of Compliance with a New Physical Activity Guideline for Preschool-Age Children

RR Pate, JR O'Neill, WH Brown, KA Pfeiffer… - Childhood …, 2015 -
Prevalence of Compliance with a New Physical Activity Guideline for Preschool-Age Children |
CiNii Research CiNii 国立情報学研究所 学術情報ナビゲータ[サイニィ] 詳細へ移動 検索フォームへ …

Prevalence of Compliance with a New Physical Activity Guideline for Preschool-Age Children.

RR Pate, JR O'Neill, WH Brown, KA Pfeiffer… - Childhood Obesity …, 2015 -
Background Four expert panels from Australia, Canada, the United Kingdom, and the United
States issued physical activity (PA) recommendations for young children that are quite …

[PDF][PDF] Prevalence of Compliance with a New Physical Activity Guideline for Preschool-Age Children

RR Pate, JR O'Neill, WH Brown, KA Pfeiffer, M Dowda… -
Background: Four expert panels from Australia, Canada, the United Kingdom, and the
United States issued physical activity (PA) recommendations for young children that are …

Prevalence of Compliance with a New Physical Activity Guideline for Preschool-Age Children

RR Pate, JR O'Neill, WH Brown, KA Pfeiffer… - Childhood …, 2015 -
Background: Four expert panels from Australia, Canada, the United Kingdom, and the
United States issued physical activity (PA) recommendations for young children that are …

[HTML][HTML] Prevalence of Compliance with a New Physical Activity Guideline for Preschool-Age Children

RR Pate, JR O'Neill, WH Brown, KA Pfeiffer… - Childhood …, 2015 -
Background: Four expert panels from Australia, Canada, the United Kingdom, and the
United States issued physical activity (PA) recommendations for young children that are …