Supply chain collaboration: Impact on collaborative advantage and firm performance

M Cao, Q Zhang - Journal of operations management, 2011 - Elsevier
Facing uncertain environments, firms have strived to achieve greater supply chain
collaboration to leverage the resources and knowledge of their suppliers and customers …

[引用][C] Supply chain collaboration: Impact on collaborative advantage and firm performance

M Cao, Q Zhang - Journal of Operations Management, 2010 -
Supply chain collaboration: Impact on collaborative advantage and firm performance | CiNii
Research CiNii 国立情報学研究所 学術情報ナビゲータ[サイニィ] 詳細へ移動 検索フォームへ …

Supply chain collaboration: Impact on collaborative advantage and firm performance

M Cao, Q Zhang - Journal of Operations Management, 2011 - Wiley Online Library
Facing uncertain environments, firms have strived to achieve greater supply chain
collaboration to leverage the resources and knowledge of their suppliers and customers …

Supply chain collaboration: Impact on collaborative advantage and firm performance

M Cao, Q Zhang - Journal of Operations Management, 2011 -
Facing uncertain environments, firms have strived to achieve greater supply chain
collaboration to leverage the resources and knowledge of their suppliers and customers …

Supply chain collaboration: Impact on collaborative advantage and firm performance

M Cao, Q Zhang - Journal of Operations Management, 2011 -
Abstract: Facing uncertain environments, firms have strived to achieve greater supply chain
collaboration to leverage the resources and knowledge of their suppliers and customers …

Supply chain collaboration:: Impact on collaborative advantage and firm performance

M Cao, Q Zhang - Journal of Operations Management, 2010 -
Facing uncertain environments, firms have strived to achieve greater supply chain
collaboration to leverage the resources and knowledge of their suppliers and customers …

[PDF][PDF] Supply chain collaboration: Impact on collaborative advantage and firm performance

M Cao, Q Zhang - Journal of Operations Management, 2011 -
abstract Facing uncertain environments, firms have strived to achieve greater supply chain
collaboration to leverage the resources and knowledge of their suppliers and customers …

[PDF][PDF] Supply chain collaboration: Impact on collaborative advantage and firm performance

M Cao, Q Zhang - Journal of Operations Management, 2011 -
abstract Facing uncertain environments, firms have strived to achieve greater supply chain
collaboration to leverage the resources and knowledge of their suppliers and customers …

Supply chain collaboration: Impact on collaborative advantage and firm performance

M Cao, Q Zhang - Journal of Operations Management, 2011 -
Facing uncertain environments, firms have strived to achieve greater supply chain
collaboration to leverage the resources and knowledge of their suppliers and customers …