Design of a short electro-optic modulator based on SiGe HBT structure

S Deng, TG Neogi, J Novak, J McDonald, ZR Huang - Optics express, 2010 -
A SiGe electro-optic modulator operating at wavelength of 1.55 μm is proposed. The “ON”
state voltage is set at 1.4 V. The arm of the MZI waveguide required to generate a π phase …

[PDF][PDF] Design of a short electro-optic modulator based on SiGe HBT structure

S Deng, TG Neogi, J Novak, J McDonald, ZR Huang - 2010 -
A SiGe electro-optic modulator operating at wavelength of 1.55 µm is proposed. The “ON”
state voltage is set at 1.4 V. The arm of the MZI waveguide required to generate a π phase …

Design of a short electro-optic modulator based on SiGe HBT structure

S Deng, TG Neogi, J Novak, J McDonald… - Optics …, 2010 -
A SiGe electro-optic modulator operating at wavelength of 1.55 microm is proposed. The"
ON" state voltage is set at 1.4 V. The arm of the MZI waveguide required to generate a pi …

[PDF][PDF] Design of a short electro-optic modulator based on SiGe HBT structure

S Deng, TG Neogi, J Novak, J McDonald, ZR Huang - 2010 -
A SiGe electro-optic modulator operating at wavelength of 1.55 µm is proposed. The “ON”
state voltage is set at 1.4 V. The arm of the MZI waveguide required to generate a π phase …

Design of a short electro-optic modulator based on SiGe HBT structure.

S Deng, TG Neogi, J Novak, J McDonald, R Huang - Optics Express, 2010 -
A SiGe electro-optic modulator operating at wavelength of 1.55 microm is proposed. The"
ON" state voltage is set at 1.4 V. The arm of the MZI waveguide required to generate a pi …

[引用][C] Design of a short electro-optic modulator based on SiGe HBT structure

S Deng, TG Neogi, J Novak, J McDonald… - Optics …, 2010 -
Design of a short electro-optic modulator based on SiGe HBT structure - NASA/ADS Now on
home page ads icon ads Enable full ADS view NASA/ADS Design of a short electro-optic …

[PDF][PDF] Design of a short electro-optic modulator based on SiGe HBT structure

S Deng, TG Neogi, J Novak, J McDonald, ZR Huang - 2010 -
A SiGe electro-optic modulator operating at wavelength of 1.55 µm is proposed. The “ON”
state voltage is set at 1.4 V. The arm of the MZI waveguide required to generate a π phase …

[PDF][PDF] Design of a short electro-optic modulator based on SiGe HBT structure

S Deng, TG Neogi, J Novak, J McDonald, ZR Huang - 2010 -
A SiGe electro-optic modulator operating at wavelength of 1.55 µm is proposed. The “ON”
state voltage is set at 1.4 V. The arm of the MZI waveguide required to generate a π phase …