
黄倩, 崔静雯, 李畅 - 计算机辅助设计与图形学学报, 2024 - jcad.cn
… This paper compiles 102 skeleton-based human action recognition … Chi 等[98]利用自 注意的
图卷积(self-attention based graph … Fuzzy integral-based CNN classifier fusion for 3D skeleton …


赵小明, 杨轶娇, 张石清 - … of Frontiers of Computer Science & …, 2022 - search.ebscohost.com
… 光流方向模糊直方 图(fuzzy histogram of optical flow orientation,… 一种基于注意力的融合机制
(attentionbased fusion,AT-Fusion),它在… tional neural networks for action recognition[J]. Pattern …


方华珍, 刘立, 顾青, 肖小凤, 孟宇 - 工程科学学报, 2024 - cje.ustb.edu.cn
GRU 的换道意图识别模型,将其建模 为回归模型,在实车实验中识别率达到了94.76%. 赵建东等
[53] 采用了基于CNN 与GRU … 倪捷等[55] 提出一种基于模糊神经网络(Fuzzy neural network)的…

[HTML][HTML] 感知认知技术在金融风险预警中的应用研究

肖京, 王磊, 杨余久, 李娜, 赵盟盟, 陈又新, 谭韬 - 智能系统学报, 2021 - html.rhhz.net
network-based fuzzy inference system,ANFIS),进化循环模糊推理系统(self-evolving recurrent
fuzzy … T-CNN: tubelets with convolutional neural networks for object detection from videos[J]. …


贾宁, 郑纯军 - Journal of Data Acquisition & Processing/Shu …, 2021 - search.ebscohost.com
… 门控循环的声波动 模型,传统的GRU 常用于SER 任务,可提升空气… Glowworm swarm based
fuzzy classifier with dual features … Speech emotion classification using attentionbased LSTM[J]…


何玉洁, 杜方, 史英杰, 宋丽娟 - Journal of Computer …, 2021 - search.ebscohost.com
recognition including the methods based on convolutional … 网络,在字符和单词级别 上使用
GRU 来编码形态和上下文信息,并应用… An attention-based BiLSTM-CRF approach to document-…

[PDF][PDF] 基于粗糙集的不完备谣言信息系统的知识获取与决策

王标, 卫红权, 王凯, 刘树新, 江昊聪 - … of Cyber Security 信息安全学报, 2024 - jcs.iie.ac.cn
… The widespread use of social platforms such as Weibo makes the impact and harm caused
by rumors even greater. Therefore, rumor detection is of great significance to the orderly and …

对先进多功能雷达系统行为的识别, 推理与预测: 综述与展望

王沙飞, 朱梦韬, 李云杰, 杨健, 李岩 - 信号处理, 2024 - signal.ejournal.org.cn
… This paper focused on the perception and recognition challenges of the advanced MFR
system behaviors and conducted a comprehensive survey from followings four aspects: i) …


余鹏, 刘星雨, 程颢, 杨佳琦… - Journal of Computer …, 2023 - search.ebscohost.com
… 基于卷积神经网络的方法 卷积神经网络(convolutional neural network,… 结合CNN和GRU的课程
推荐模 型,CNN用于学习风格的检测,GRU用于… Attention-based CNN for personalized course …


卢昆, 张嘉宇, 张宏莉, 方滨兴 - 通信学报, 2024 - infocomm-journal.com
… DDGCN: dual dynamic graph convolutional networks for rumor detection on social media[J]. …
An attention-based neural model for popularity prediction in social service[C]//Proceedings …