黑鴨戀distention, and the patient is put in an exag

I af lletral Srientre - Boston Medical and Surgical Journal, 1905 - search.proquest.com
… If after twentyfour hours there is no improvement, and … (3) Eyestrain is often responsible for
headache and other reflex … make death from marasmus almost inevitable for some weeks after


GB LEYTON - The Lancet, 1946 - books.google.com
… The quantity of urine passed in the twenty-four hours was increased, even reaching 4 litres a
day, … All the reflexes were sluggish, but complete absence of knee or ankle jerks was never …

鬣in length. Its termination is guarded by the Thebesian

AN ATOMIY - search.proquest.com
… of urea, and a healthy adult eliminates about zoo grains of urea in twenty-four hours, …
In this case the deep reflexes are retained or soon regained; the senses of pain and of temperature …

器tried, but the best results had followed the use of bella

BU STATISTICS - journals.lww.com
… infection not being sufficient to cause death of the ganglion … There was, of course, much
unavoidable manipulation if one … influence existing between the reflex arc and the cerebellum …

REVEW& B00K N0Hg 路, 盟℃

TDBW Noyes - search.proquest.com
… of motor and sensory function, including the reflexes, incoordinations, vertigoes, aphasias, …
and posterior nerve-roots ; Diagram of a reflex arc ; Diagrammatic sections of spinal cord to …

蠶what she called “clots” of blood, after which she flowed

JDEJ Doering - search.proquest.com
… Because of the unavoidable severing of the right ureter. Mrs. B… it killed the dog. The next
thing is to put it in the rectum, and … on the abdominal brain, and the reflex had been sent up the …

鸞of the royal moralist: Length of days is in her right

H Longevity - 2007 - search.proquest.com
… , indeed, the former are but the reflex) are to his spiritual. If space … , inevitable in their progress,
and leading to one certain result. With the germs of life are intermixed the seeds of death ; …


严克琼, 吴绮思, 杨军 - Chinese Medical Sciences Journal, 2023 - cmsj.cams.cn
… remains one of the leading causes of death and disability from … In conclusion, SBPV data
may be useful as a preventable … IS patients in the first 24 hours after admission and found that …

體the nerve the strength and resistance for which it is remarkable. We ave hitherto believed that the nerve-tube is uniform in its entire length-no transverse section of it …

I ES - search.proquest.com
… by MAYER and PRIRA on the reflex rel. tions of the stomach to … The rise in the blood-pressure
is plainly reflex, and its … had taken (ten to twenty-four hours after death) from the bodies of …

蠶into a city plant and a country plant. The former guld be in the nature of a reception hospital for the

IICL Scudder - search.proquest.com
… cough, may be entirely a reflex matter, and sinusitis may be … deadly to cellular life, especially
during apparent death, but if … a maximum of development in 24 hours. The authors thought …