
郭員榕, 彭文志 - 2008 - ir.lib.nycu.edu.tw
… , it suffers from the problem of intermittent connection due to … , when given an arbitrary point
x, we can estimate its interested … Under different setting of wireless bandwidth and cell length, …

[PDF][PDF] Technical Report US $ 闆影

SMG Freeman - 1994 - cl.cam.ac.uk
… are three main implementation dimensions in which singleuser applications differ from multi-…
The Pad uses highspeed radio links, whereas the Tab uses slower infra-red; both are stylus-…

基於ZigBee 智慧型環境與移動式機器人之位置感知系統設計

林嘉豪, 宋開泰 - 2013 - ir.lib.nycu.edu.tw
… monocular vision system to estimate distances between the … sets of distance measurements
with the largest probability from … PC via a serial link. The collected RSSI values were then …

廣義的機會式通訊---無線行動網路中之競爭, 合作與感知---子計畫四: 感知無線行動網路之協力式媒體存取控制協定設計與用戶/基地台選取研究

王蒞君 - 2009 - ir.lib.nycu.edu.tw
… under large data length 233 9.19 Total packets access latency … of connection-based spectrum
handoffs in cognitive radio (… by determining the probability of selecting each channel from


鄭炤仁, 虞孝成 - 2004 - ir.lib.nycu.edu.tw
… share a common communications line or wireless link and typically share the resources of a
… Some analysts estimated that US and European telecom carriers might have $700 billion in …


周志明, 曾煜棋 - 2005 - ir.lib.nycu.edu.tw
… These sensor nodes have the advantages of small size, low … institution: Telecom Trends
International estimated in 2003, the … to allow low bandwidth wireless connections to become so …

[PDF][PDF] Resilience and Efficiency of Multi-layered Networks 多層網絡的彈性與效率

電機工程系 - 2020 - ee.cityu.edu.hk
… Internet data traffic is bursty with sizes ranging from extremely short … our link management by
defining three types of links including … A novel cost estimation method was then proposed for …


王成業, 周景揚 - 2006 - ir.lib.nycu.edu.tw
… to experience or manual estimation. However, systems are … the dedicated peer-to-peer
connections, the RSs are replaced by … random size packets which move from the arbitrary chosen …

以SIP 為基礎並輔以Push 機制的VoIP 行動無線通訊網路之設計與實作

程幼棣, 曾煜棋 - 2006 - ir.lib.nycu.edu.tw
… After the wireless connection is activated, the MH sends a … The required bandwidth can be
estimated by the SDP (… this, which is a static sized buffer for packet data. We create the handle, …


顏凡哲 - 2009 - tdr.lib.ntu.edu.tw
… there’sa criteria of how many dimension we should keep). This … AR parameters obtained
from spectral estimation are used in … with Bluetooth connection and wireless connection module …