[PDF][PDF] Ad-Hoc 無線網路中設計一具有頻道重覆使用特性的動態頻道安排及重安排協定

黃博治, 陳裕賢, 張志勇 - 2001 - jitas.cpu.edu.tw
… opportunities will improve the channel utilization and increase the … break and thus improve
the system performance. … 後就停止,如此能避免整個Ad-Hoc network 中所有 的hosts 都在傳遞…


盧科文, 曹孝櫟 - 2010 - ir.lib.nycu.edu.tw
… -tier traffic information system to improve the efficiency of traffic … 802.11a in ad-hoc mode;
antenna type is omni-directional, … Mobile ad hoc networking and computing, pp.194-205, 2002. …


YM Wang - 2006 - ir.lib.ncu.edu.tw
… for wireless ad hoc networks with multiple available channels. The simulation results show
that our protocol has the superior performances in network throughput to previous work. …


王湘博, 曾煜棋, 易志偉 - 2008 - ir.lib.nycu.edu.tw
… In addition, we observe that we can further improve the networknetworks and ad hoc
networks. In the infrastructure wireless … In the presence of omnidirectional antenna, the problem of …


徐媛媛, 朱策, 虞露 - 计算机科学技术学报, 2014 - jcst.ict.ac.cn
… it can increase traffic delivery capacity of wireless networks. … antenna and communicates
only via wireless medium at the … of a central controller in a wireless ad hoc network is out of the …


刘奇佩, 乔钢 - 电子与信息学报, 2023 - jeit.ac.cn
… and spatial reuse ratio of the whole network are improved. However, a priori knowledge of
… smart antennas for directional MAC in MANET environments[J]. Ad Hoc Networks, 2019, 89: …

感知無線網路接取技術及資源管理之研究---子計畫四: 感知無線網路架構設計及資訊傳遞技術之研究(I)

王蒞君 - 2005 - ir.lib.nycu.edu.tw
ad-hoc networks. Second, we investigate the feasibility issue of establishing both an
infrastructure-based link and an ad hoc … a wireless local area network (WLAN) can be improved if …


徐蘇緯, 謝續平 - 2008 - ir.lib.nycu.edu.tw
… localization method is relatively better for WLAN environments. … it possible to construct ad
hoc networks using cheap wireless … wireless device with directional antenna in different place …

CSMA/CA 無線網路系統上空間重複使用率與傳輸可靠度之整合研究

鄭維中, 林亭佑 - 2014 - ir.lib.nycu.edu.tw
… -hop, multi-rate wireless ad-hoc networks, we can balance the … in order to reach the
maximum network capacity. Lower carrier-… In this manner, we actually increase the transmission …


范剛綸, 林亭佑 - 2008 - ir.lib.nycu.edu.tw
… , and gateway capacities, we show how to allocate network … show significant improvement
in terms of aggregate network … phase in the ATIM (Ad Hoc Traffic Indication Map) window that …