[HTML][HTML] Towards the Next Generation of Recommender Systems: A Survey of the State-of-the-Art and Possible Extensions 下一代推荐系统: 最新技术和可能扩展的综述

… learning techniques (such as artificial neural networks) coupled with feature extraction …
For example, [76] uses gender, age, area code, education, and employment information of …


顏凡哲 - 2009 - tdr.lib.ntu.edu.tw
… [1] With the falling of birth rate and the rising of elderly population, the agingservice
type on a server that uses sockets has a unique integer number assigned for each service

[PDF][PDF] D. 特朗普总统给他的政治对手和一些海外政治领导人提供的昵称根据其语义特征被分为三个主题组: 愚蠢, 不诚实, 重要. 文章还揭示了在政治语言中使用昵称的双重 …

aged 13-14 years of Russian nationality, studying in Russian and Chinese schools. The
choice of this age … group) reflects the lability of the central nervous system. It was noted that the …

現代詩中的食物詩學: 史蒂文斯, 威廉斯, 李立揚

陳建龍 - 2015 - tdr.lib.ntu.edu.tw
… The rudimentary rationale is that the invention and employment of … conveyed through
the nervous system (The Sense of Taste by … Although any foodway may maintain its unique


陳永信, 蘇朝墩, 沙永傑 - 2004 - ir.lib.nycu.edu.tw
… The major difference between FuzzyART and other unsupervised neural networks is the
vigilance parameter (ρ ). Learning is stable in a FuzzyART network because all adaptive …


何海鶄 - 2015 - nhuir.nhu.edu.tw
… group was recruited from mindfulness classes and the control group was recruited from …
This research resulted in original and unique contributions to the local empirical evidence …

[PDF][PDF] Speed-up of biologically inspired image categorization for information retrieval and object localization (本文)

皆川卓也 - 2013 - koara.lib.keio.ac.jp
… some jobs which helped me and my family to survive. For his … Specific object recognition
is a task to recognize unique … tasks, deep convolutional neural networks is popular in deep …

[PDF][PDF] 探索风水信仰对酒店住客体验的影响: 基于情境诱导访谈法 3

JS Wu, N Chen, CYH Zeng, M Schuckert - Notes, 2023 - pure.hud.ac.uk
… non- 26 invasive Autonomic Nervous System Watch) to assess … Each vignette represents a
typical hotel room with different … females) aged between 14 28 to 45 years old were recruited. …

文化神经科学: 一个新兴的跨学科领域

张力, 朱滢 - 心理科学, 2011 - psysci.org
… , neural and genetic variables of interest. ” “ However, cultural neuroscience is also unique
from related disciplines in that it focuses explicitly on way that mental and neural events vary …

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G Adomavicius, A Tuzhilin - blog.csdn.net
… learning techniques (such as artificial neural networks) coupled with feature extraction …
For example, [76] uses gender, age, area code, education, and employment information of …