[PDF][PDF] Downrange: A Survey of China's Cyber Ranges

D Cary - Center for Security and Emerging Technology …, 2022 - app-us-east-1.t-cdn.net
… in southern China is using a supercomputer to research artificial intelligence’s (AI) application
to … The Internet of Vehicles Lab is being built in concert with central government regulators …


马忠贵, 李卓, 梁彦鹏 - 工程科学学报, 2023 - cje.ustb.edu.cn
… moves toward supporting a broader toB vertical industry, it will … the Internet of autonomous
vehicles, it is necessary to explore … mechanism based on software defined network and mobile …

联邦控制: 面向信息安全和权益保护的分布式控制方法

朱静, 王飞跃, 王戈, 田永林, 袁勇, 王晓, 齐红威… - 自动化学报, 2021 - aas.net.cn
… , artificial intelligence and social network analysis QI Hong-Wei Chairman at Datatang (Beijing)
Technology Co., Ltd., senior … His research interst covers artificial intelligence data …

[PDF][PDF] 平行车联网: 基于ACP 的智能车辆网联管理与控制

王晓, 要婷婷, 韩双双, 曹东璞, 王飞跃 - 自动化学报, 2018 - aas.net.cn
intelligence methods into the networked management and control for intelligent vehicles, and
… , capabilities and processes of Parallel Internet of Vehicles (PIoV). Via the construction of …

[PDF][PDF] Survey on IoT security: Challenges and solution using《 真) machine learning, artificial intelligence and blockchain tyS technology

BK Mohanta, D Jena, U Satapathy - researchgate.net
… system using sensors in the vehicle. The sensors are resource … mechanisms using ML and
software-defined networking (SDN) … on Network Function Virtualization and Software Defined


张海霞, 李腆腆, 李东阳, 刘文杰 - 电子与信息学报, 2020 - jeit.ac.cn
… for intelligent vehicular networks. Firstly, by adopting advanced artificial intelligence and
data analysis techniques, the spatial and temporal distribution characteristics of vehicle

AI 算法在车联网通信与计算中的应用综述

康宇, 刘雅琼, 赵彤雨, 寿国础 - 电信科学, 2023 - infocomm-journal.com
… 等为代 表的人工智能(artificial intelligence,AI)技术的 兴起,在… 部署到软件定义 网络(software
defined network,SDN)的逻辑集 … 软件定义 车载网络(software defined in-vehicle network, SDN-V…

面向6G 的通信感知一体化车联网研究综述

林粤伟, 王溢, 张奇勋, 尉志青 - 信号处理, 2023 - signal.ejournal.org.cn
… communications:Toward dual-functional wireless networks for … for autonomous driving in the
Internet of vehicles[J]. Chi⁃ nese … offloading mechanism based on software defined network

面向软件定义多模态车联网的双时间尺度RAN 切片资源分配

亓伟敬, 宋清洋, 郭磊 - 通信学报, 2022 - infocomm-journal.com
… 软件定义网络 (SDN, software defined network)技术将网络… 基 于人工智能(AI, artificial
intelligence)的切片管理 系统可以智能… 其奖励由车到车 (V2V, vehicle-to-vehicle)用户的效用总和与…

数字孪生与平行系统: 发展现状, 对比及展望

杨林瑶, 陈思远, 王晓, 张俊, 王成红 - 自动化学报, 2019 - aas.net.cn
… He received his bachelor degree in internet of things from … parallel Internet of vehicles, big
data analysis, intelligent … such as the internet of things, big data, and artificial intelligence (AI), …