suggest that they are one of the earliest forms of defense to have evolved in vascular plants;
some, such as podophyllotoxin and enterodiol, have important roles in cancer
chemotherapy and prevention, respectively. Entry into lignan enzymology has been gained
by the∼ 3000-fold purification of two isoforms of (+)-pinoresinol/(+)-lariciresinol reductase, a
pivotal branchpoint enzyme in lignan biosynthesis. Both have comparable (∼ 34.9 kDa) …
DK AT - J Biol Chem, 1996 -
(+)-Pinoresinol/(+)-lariciresinol reductase from Forsythia intermedia. Protein purification, cDNA
cloning, heterologous expression and comparison to isoflavone reductase | CiNii Research
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