This paper presents a 3D classifier that is shown to maintain performance whether trained with real sensor data from the field or purely trained with 3D geometric (Computer Aided Design, CAD, like) models (downloaded from the Internet for instance). The proposed classifier is a global 3D template matching technique which exploits the location of the ground surface for more accurate alignment. The segmentation and position of the ground is given by the segmentation technique in [7] (which does not assumed the ground to be flat). The proposed classifier outperforms Spin Image and Fast Point Feature Histogram (FPFH) based classifiers by up to 30% (the latter being tested at different scales), in the case of sparse 3D data acquired with a Velodyne sensor. In addition, the experimental results suggest that field samples may not be required in the training set of alignment-based 3D classifiers. This finding implies that the laborious task of gathering hand labelled field data for training may be avoidable for this type of classifier.