Capital Markets is the most significant source to reach the optimized allocation of society resources. It mobilises and channelizes the savings into productive activities. It is the foundation of an economy and plays a vital role in the economic growth of a country. It links the savers and investors and promotes growth on a sustained basis. In capital market, information plays a very important role, may it be financial information or non financial information. The 1980’s witnessed an explosive growth of the securities market in India, with millions of investors suddenly discovering lucrative opportunities and hence information assuming the important role in decision making.
The switch over of Indian economy from production to knowledge based economy and the growth of software & IT, financial services, business outsourcing, media, healthcare, pharmaceutical industries etc. have focussed on the increasing investments in intangible assets and with this transformation non financial information has gained a lot of importance. Intangible assets such as intellectual property, brands, customer relationship and talent hold much more value than tangible'visible'assets such as capital, land, buildings, machinery etc. in a knowledge based economy.