The main objective of this study was to determine the level of percieved benefit andbarriertowards the uptake of and willingness to enrol into the health insurance scheme in Lokoja, Kogi State, Nigeria. A cross sectional survey design was employed in this study, a total number of 335 respondents participated in this study. A structured and validated questionnaire with reliability 0.746 was used for data collection and thereafter administered to the participants through direct approach. Multi stage sampling technique method was adopted in administering 195 questionnaires on civil servants while purposive sampling was used to administer 140 questionnaires on artisans. The questionnaire was divided into seven (7) sections in order to get data on respondent’s demographic characteristics, awareness, attitude, perception, perceived susceptibility, perceived benefits and perceived barriers to health insurance. Hypotheses were formulated and tested. Data analysis was done using descriptive statistics and correlation which were statistically tested at 0.05 level of significant using Pearson product moment analytical procedure.. The results revealed that the level of perceived benefits and barrier of the respondents. The study concluded that there is a low level of awareness regarding health insurance schemes among the civil servants and artisans in Kogi State. Therefore, regular seminars and trainings should be regularly conducted to disseminate information to civil servants, artisans and the general public on the benefits of health insurance scheme and also, eradicate misconceptions due to lack of adequate information.