We searched TikTok for videos tagged with# hidradenitissuppurativa on April 1, 2021, and analyzed the top videos returned by the TikTok search algorithm to include 100 videos that met the inclusion criteria. Videos that were non-English, unrelated to HS, or duplicates were excluded. Video characteristics were collected, and the content quality was determined by two independent reviewers using DISCERN, a validated 16-item questionnaire that assesses consumer health information quality based on criteria such as references, treatment risks and benefits, and information relevance using a scale of 1 (poor) e5 (excellent). 3 A total of 119 videos were screened to identify our target of the top 100 videos, which had a combined 1,098,036 likes and 23,533 comments. The videos had a mean DISCERN score of 1.77, with high interrater reliability (Cohen’s Kappa [0.8). Stratified by the content creator, there were 84 videos (84%) by non-physicians with a mean DISCERN score of 1.63 and 13 videos (13%) by physicians with a mean DISCERN score of 2.65 (Table I). Content creators received particularly low DISCERN scores on items involving publication sources and dates, as well as treatment risks and benefits. Fig 1 provides an overview of the average DISCERN item breakdowns. Our analysis revealed that physician videos had a higher mean DISCERN score (2.65) than nonphysician videos (1.63)(P\. 01). Although DISCERN scores among physicians were higher than non-physicians, content creators can generally improve video quality by discussing treatment risks and benefits, providing content references, and consulting local physicians. Given TikTok’s recent upgrade to video length, it is now more feasible to