In web services environment, making an appropriate service recommendation to improve the web service composition ability and decrease composition cognition is a promising approach. Web service filtering is one of the essential technique for recommending QoS based web services. Collaborative Filtering (CF) plays major role in Web service recommendation which intends to predict missing QoS values of web services. QoS prediction techniques, emphasize more on user’s personalized influence of services and service QoS factors such as response time and throughput. The proposed model merges the location preference and personalized usage influences of the requester with Privacy, Demand, Satisfaction and Retention level assessment. Neuro Fuzzy Logic (NFL) is introduced to improve classification accuracy to intelligently identify the untrustworthy Web services. Intelligent Neuro Fuzzy Collaborative filtering (INFCF) for QoS aware web service recommendation is designed to enhance the QoS in web service recommendation.