The increased energy demand with recent advancement in technology has led the global energy producers to move towards solar energy. Partial shading is a phenomenon that can severely affect the production of the solar power in the photovoltaic system. With partial shading situation, the cascaded solar panels show numerous dummy peaks both in power–voltage (P–V) and current–voltage (I–V) curves, resulting in difficulty of extracting maximum power. A dummy peak elimination based MPPT technique is introduced in proposed work for accurate tracking of maximum power. The proposed dummy peak elimination based MPPT estimates the dummy peaks without imposing any high computational burden for the processor. The proposed technique has better dynamic response and is more compatible for real time application compared to existing optimization‐based techniques. The proposed dummy peak elimination based MPPT is tested on a practical system with 3S configuration having three 249 W PV panels for different shading patterns, which displays acceptable outputs with good dynamic performance and better efficiency.