Identification of local regions from where optimal discriminating features can be extracted is one of the major tasks in the area of pattern recognition. To locate such regions different kind of region sampling techniques are used in the literature. There is no standard methodology to identify exactly such regions. Here we have proposed a methodology where local regions of varying heights and widths are created dynamically. Genetic algorithm (GA) is then applied on these local regions to sample the optimal set of local regions from where an optimal feature set can be extracted that has the best discriminating features. We have evaluated the proposed methodology on a data set of handwritten Bangla digits. In the present work, we have randomly generated seven sets of local regions and from every set, GA selects an optimal group of local regions which produces best recognition performance with a support vector machine (SVM) based classifier. Other popular optimization techniques like simulated annealing (SA) and hill climbing (HC) have also been evaluated with the same data set and maximum recognition accuracies were found to be 97%, 96.7% and 96.7% for GA, SA and HC, respectively. We have also compared the performance of the present technique with those of other zone based techniques on the same database.