A radiative transfer model for simulating the measured brightness temperatures over vegetation‐covered fields is studied. The model treats the vegetation as a uniform layer, or canopy, with a constant temperature over a moist soil which emits polarized microwave radiation. The equation of radiative transfer is solved analytically subject to boundary conditions at the soil surface and canopy top. Scattering by the vegetation is primarily in the forward direction and given by a single scattering albedo ω*. The effect of soil surface roughness is introduced by modifying the smooth surface reflectivity with a roughness height parameter h and polarization mixing factor Q. The analytic formula for the microwave emission has four parameters, h, Q, τ0* (effective canopy optical thickness), and ω*. The model provides a good representation of the observed angular variations for both the horizontally and vertically polarized brightness temperatures at 1.4 GHz and 5 GHz frequencies over fields covered with grass, soybean, and corn. The effective canopy optical thickness is found to be directly proportional to the amount of water present in the vegetation canopy, while the effective canopy single scattering albedo depends on the type of vegetation.