Today organizations are faced with the rapidly changeable events in economical, technological, social, cultural and political environment. Successful and dynamic reaction of organizations depends on their ability to provide relevant information and to find, at the same time, adequate solutions to the problems they are faced with. In that sense, the attention of organizational theoreticians is focused on designing of intellectual abilities of organization and new concept in organizational theory has developed organizational intelligence (OI). In two decades ago, theoretical models have been developed and little research has been conducted. Having a model for defining and assessing the organizational status of an organization can be very helpful but the key questions facing every manager are; how can the level of collective intelligence be promoted? And what factors influence OI? Therefore this research carried out in order to assess OI and its factors influencing IAU and provide a structural equation model. The subject of the study was 311 faculty members of IAU (Zone 8). Faculty members completed OI questionnaire (Cronbach's alpha= 0.98), learning climate (Cronbach's alpha= 0.94), multifactor leadership questionnaire (Cronbach's alpha= 0.92) and organizational learning audit (Cronbach's alpha= 0.94). Findings of this research showed that mean of organizational intelligence, organizational learning and learning culture were less than mean and transformational leadership was more than mean of questionnaire. Lisrel project software was applied for confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) and structural equation modeling (SEM). Based on the tested structural equation model, transformational leadership style had direct impact on learning culture (β= 0.78), learning culture had a direct impact on OI (β= 0.46), organizational learning had a direct impact on OI (β= 0.34) and learning culture had a direct impact on organizational learning (β= 0.96). The tested model had a good fit. Findings suggest that for the organizational intelligence to be promoted, these factors must be taken into account.