The present paper deals with the experimental analysis and multi objective optimization of gear cutting process of Inconel 718 using WEDM. The objective of the present work is to optimize the parameters in order to maximize the material removal rate and minimize the kerf in a gear cutting process to get the optimum value. The MRR and kerf play a major role in optimizing the parameters in WEDM process. The experiment is carried out in the wire EDM machine using brass wire as the electrode, Inconel 718 as the work-piece material and distilled water as the dielectric. The design array is created by using Design of Experiment in a Taguchi L16 orthogonal array repeated once. The gear has a base diameter of 20 mm, addendum diameter of 22.5 mm and a pressure angle of 20º with 16 numbers of teeth. The machining operation is carried out by taking 3 input parameters at 4 different levels each. The output parameters such as Material Removal rate and Kerf width were obtained and optimized using TOPSIS method to know the optimum setting. Microstructural analysis of both material and wire were studied to know the various defects during the machining operation. Various plots were obtained to know the effects of the process parameters in WEDM. A regression model was also obtained to validate the statistical model values with the experimental. ANOVA table and Response table were carried out to know the significant parameters and rank respectively in the Wire EDM process. Surface roughness, Addendum and Tooth width of gears were also found out at the optimum settings. The optimum setting of the gear obtained can be used to produce high quality gears and can also be applied for future findings.