Data security is an important aspect of communication system that has always been a focus for exchanging information among parties at location physically apart. In today’s competitive market, different techniques have been developed to send data securely. We present a hybrid technique which combines the speed of Data Encryption Standard (DES) for encryption of data and Rivest Shamir Adleman (RSA) algorithms to encrypt DES secret key for proper key distribution and management. The proposed technique was implemented in Microsoft visual C# and the performance of the hybrid technique was assessed based on encryption and decryption time and throughput for different input text and image data sample of varying sizes. The results obtained shows that the developed hybrid technique has better performance in terms of speed of encryption (encryption time), throughput and the central processing unit (CPU) power consumption, when compared to other hybrid technique in literature. Hence, the developed hybrid technique is recommended for enhancing data security in modern applications, and systems where a high speed of encryption is required, without compromising the CPU power consumption.