Priochilus Banks, 1944a is a strictly Neotropical genus of Pompilinae (Pompilidae), restricted to areas of rain forest (Evans 1966). The genus, along with Balboana Banks, 1944b, has recently been assigned to the tribe Priochilini (Waichert et al. 2015), and now comprises 22 species of which eleven are present in Panamá (Corro & Cambra 2011; Fernández 2000 and the present study). In this paper, we describe a new species of Priochilus from Panama and provide a short synopsis of biology in the genus Priochilus.
Material and terminology Photographs were made of the holotype, entire insect, the head, metapostnotum and wings with an Olympus style digital camera through a Leica M 165c stereo microscope. Further image processing was accomplished by using ArcSoft Photo Studio. The images of the male genitalia and subgenital plate were made with a camera Leica MC 190 HD through a Leica MZ 75 stereo microscope. Imaging was done with Leica Application Suite version 4.8. 0 and Zerene Stacker version 1.04. The metasomal terga are abbreviated as T, the submarginal cells as SMC. Other abbreviations used in the text are those of Evans (1966). The specimen repositories are: BME—Bohart Museum of Entomology, University of California, Davis; MIUP—Museo de Invertebrados GB Fairchild, Universidad de Panamá.