Engineering Programs are designed with certain goals. These goals or Program Educational Objectives (PEO) must be transformed into Program Outcomes (PO) that can be directly and indirectly measured. Different assessment methods are used to evaluate, maintain and improve these outcomes. One of the difficult steps in ABET preparation is how to evaluate program outcomes based on different assessment methods. In this work, a procedure is presented to help in performing the process of course assessment based on specific program outcomes. The suggested procedure is simply to calculate weighted average values for the program supported outcomes. These weighted averaged values for each outcome for the whole program help faculty members in the department to focus on improving certain outcomes. Two weighted parameters are also deduced and presented. These weighted parameters emphasize the importance of the time devoted for each outcome and the emphases level of each outcome. In case there is shortcoming in one or more outcomes, faculty members can decide the course of action. This complete loop procedure is the main objective of the assessment process which also at the same time improves the teaching and learning process. Sample results from the Thermal Engineering and Desalination Technology Department are also presented.