The Ebro delta (NE Spain) is a 320 km2 wetland area ofinternational importance for conservation. The area is devotedto rice farming and receives large amounts of pesticides.Industrial pollutants are also carried to the delta by the river.The information accumulated during the last 25 year on the effectof such pollution on the biota is reviewed in order to identifythe existing gaps and needs for management. Organochlorinepesticides were legally used until 1977, which has resulted inthe widespread presence of these compounds in the Ebro deltabiota. Lethal, sublethal or other detrimental effects of thesepesticides on wildlife in the area were poorly investigated, butnegative effects on the reproduction of ducks and herons werereported. Nowadays, polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) are themain responsible of organochlorine pollution in the area:concentrations in biota samples are higher than levels observedin nearby coastal areas, as a result of the significant PCBinputs by the river which, in 1990, were evaluated at 126 kgyr-1. The massive use of herbicides is thought to havecontributed to the elimation of macrophyte vegetation in thelagoons during the eighties, which had strong consequences ondiving ducks and coot populations. Weed control is also relatedto the loss of biodiversity held by rice fields. The massive andinadequate use of organophosphorus and carbamate pesticides(involving more than 20 000 t yr-1) has produced somewaterbird mortality events, and may have direct and indirecteffects on other non-target organisms. The accumulation in thesoil of lead pellets used in waterfowl shooting is estimated tokill some 16 300 waterbirds in the Ebro delta every year.