WSNs have five main components namely, the sensing device, processor, memory, power supply, and transceiver. The power supply, processor, and memory are the main resources and have limited resources; therefore, resource availability in WSNs must be maintained. With limited resources available, the WSNs is required to be able to work as efficiently as possible, operated in a long time period and secure due to its placement in extreme areas. Another challenge is to choose the WSNs that has short time operation with strong security or long time operation with adaptable security. This article provides limited resource solutions to WSNs whose placement is in extreme areas that are impossible to do maintenances. As a solution, an adaptation approach to resource availability and security is used as offered by the ARSy Framework. For testing, we use components such as Raspberry pi 3 Model B and DS18B20 temperature sensor. The advantage the raspberry pi because its CPU and Memory resources have a large capacity. With these advantages, it is highly manageable, allows to integrate several types of sensors in one raspberry pi unit, and the use of battery resource becomes optional. The battery will be only used based on the design requirements because the battery consumption is wasteful. The result of the research shows performance ARSy framework compared to the system that works without ARSy framework mechanism.