The world has undergone major social changes in the last decades, leading us to a digital society. Although we have deeply changed the way we think, one subject has not changed in some countries such as Brazil: education. Brazilian students still sit in the classroom for hours while watching a professor speak. Even in undergraduate technology majors, such as Computer Science, the traditional learning methods remain and few innovations can be seen. This work shows a new curriculum for a discipline about environmental responsibility for undergraduate students in technology at a Brazilian university. The goal is to change the learning method using active learning, in which students are the protagonists of their own learning, while the professor acts only as a guide. Each class is 4 hours long and will be based on a different learning approach, therefore it must be self contained and well organized with a clear goal, so the professor can properly guide students to obtain the desired knowledge. This is a first step to change the way we see education to technological majors at our university, trying to bring innovation and new learning methods to a traditional environment.