This paper develops an adaptive maximum likelihood sequence estimator (MLSE) for rapidly fading channels corrupted by additive white Gaussian noise. This estimator is based on an explicit incorporation of the time-varying characteristics in channel modelling. When the multipath is caused by a few strong reflectors, the channel is shown to be poly-periodically time varying. The channel impulse response is then approximated by a linear combination of a finite set of complex exponential functions whose frequencies are termed Doppler frequencies. This modelling is well motivated in aeronautical radio communications and cellular telephony. During the training period, a cyclic statistics-based approach is developed to estimate the Doppler frequencies. An eigenvector approach as well as a maximum likelihood method are proposed to estimate the coefficients of linear expansion. After this initialization, the channel parameters are updated using a modified version of the LMS algorithm. Computer simulations are carried out to evaluate the proposed receiver performance. The new approach exhibits a large saving in computational complexity and offers superior performance over conventional adaptive MLSE in rapidly fading environment.