One of the leading causes of cancer-related deaths in women is breast cancer (BC). Patients' chances of survival are improved when this ailment is diagnosed in a timely manner and suitable treatments are prescribed. Thus, the chance of survival increases with the early detection of BC. Deep learning neural networks have garnered significant attention in recent years for use in BC screening, identification, and classification. Even though some encouraging results have surfaced, more improvement and confirmation are necessary. In this regard, the creation and comparison of many deep learning approaches for the early identification and classification of BC from mammography pictures is the main focus of our research. In this study, Innovative deep learning methods are developed by freezing the first 40 layers an dropping the 43 layers of MobileNetV2, InceptionV3 and DenseNet121 pretrained models, this approach was reinforced by using Data augmentation techniques. Our suggested methodologies are tested through simulations on MIAS dataset and SA private dataset. The three modified models achieved very high classification accuracies, specifically the modified DenseNet121 model, which reached 99,1% on MIAS dataset and 98,8% on SA dataset.