In managing a tourism destination it is paramount to reach the right balance among different interests of stakeholders whereas the most important stakeholder is the local community that will undergo the consequences of tourism development. This priority in respecting the wishes of locals makes sense till a certain point-what about cases when the local community covets more tourists in an already overcrowded destinations? In such cases the DMO should align wishes of different stakeholders to preserve sustainability, which is represented in a variation model of the triple bottom line. One of the solutions to such an issue, dealt with in this paper, is targeting guests of higher purchasing power. Increasing tourism consumption is one inevitable goal of tourism destinations. The goal of this research is tourist destination’s target groups identification and selection according to criteria of daily spending on holidays. The analyse was done on the case of one of the most popular costal tourist destinations in Croatia, Medulin, one of the regional champions in recorded number of overnight stays. The results have shown that tourists with higher household income, older tourists and more educated tourists spend more money in the destination. The implications of this research are practical.