GENEALOGY AND FAMILY HISTORY projects can be an excellent way to foster students’ sense of identity and connectedness to their heritage and relatives. 1 Such activities can help students develop pride and knowledge in their identities and personal histories. They also help students relate to their ancestors by supporting meaningful connections and communication with their living relatives. 2 Moreover, family history projects can invite students to think about the kind of ancestor they want to be for future generations. 3 Because knowledge of family histories is often valued within Indigenous communities, and central to many Indigenous social, cultural, and diplomatic traditions, such projects have the potential to be a meaningful form of culturally sustaining and revitalizing pedagogical practice. 4 Within many Indigenous communities, children develop their sense of self through connections to people and place. Fostering students’ ability to “recount their own genealogy and family history,” for example, is a cultural standard in Alaska for “Culturallyknowledgeable students [who] are well grounded in the cultural