The article is devoted to analysis of several aspects of financing methods of microenterprises created under the Human Capital Operational Programme in the Fundacja Inkubator – a non-profit foundation form Lodz, one of beneficiates of the Human Capital Operational Programme in Lodz region. The issues concerning micro entrepreneurs’ preferences of financing methods, importance of particular factors associated with external financing selection, problems with getting financial support and their statistical correlation with firms’ characteristics and survivability were analyzed. The analysis was based on the data from a Computer Aided Web Interview (CAWI) survey, which was conducted among the participants of several projects, realized by the Fundacja Inkubator. The survey covered 146 microenterprises out of more than 400 firms created in 13 projects completed between years 2008 and 2015 under Measure 6.2 Support and promotion of entrepreneurship and self-employment and Submeasure 8.1.2. Support for adaptation and modernization processes in regions under the Human Capital Operational Programme.